Happy Friday, which is also National Greasy Foods Day (why even? why are we like this) and Sourest Day, which was created to follow Sweetest Day. Sweetest Day is a holiday WM and I have been trying to add to our own calendar of celebrations for years. But because it’s not really observed we keep forgetting about it until a few days later. Maybe we’ll do better with Sourest Day.
This was an emotional week. I got some news from work that made me sad (I still have a job) and that I’ll write about when things are more settled. This morning I had my yearly skin check at the dermatologist and not only do I NOT have any suspicious spots, but my rosacea is very well under control and I appeared so relaxed that the doctor didn’t even pitch me on Botox.
I’m currently washing our sofa blankets so we’ll have them nice and fresh for the weekend.
And, wait for it, I finally made a vaccine appointment for Sunday at 12:30. Two, actually. I’m getting the Covid vax and the flu vax at the same time. I’m choosing Novavax for the Covid vax with the hopes that I’ll have fewer side effects. And after having the 2 initial vaccinations and 3 boosters delivered the mRNA way plus the two times I caught Covid, I think I’m ready for a more traditional method of shoring up the immune system. I’m very happy that 98% of the world is back to normal post-pandemic, but I wish we still had a little more guidance on when and how to boost ourselves. But we’ve always been at sea when it comes to Covid best practices.
Here’s the Friday 5 – this week’s theme is I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

- In your city, where might a visitor find a wretched hive of scum and villainy?
Wegmans. Yes, the grocery store. From the entrance off of route 70 to the exit doors, the customers are crazed lunatics who will run into or over you to get to the parking spot/cheese samples/deli counter/hot buffet line/checkout counter first. I love that store, but it’s a shopping cart demolition derby surrounded by bougie foods. - When did you most recently do something you didn’t think you could do?
I am still high on the achievement of fixing my washing machine’s agitator last month. There are MANY things I believe I cannot do, and they are menial and I end up doing all of them. Conversely, something I thought I could do but didn’t was change my driver’s side front turn signal bulb. I’d have to take off a panel under my Jeep just to get to the bulb and while I’m fine changing rear lights and headlights, I am not comfortable removing panels. - If a robot could do all but two of your regular menial chores, which two would you continue to do?
I would continue to wipe down the kitchen counters and collect the dog poop from the yard. Everything else, especially dealing with laundry, would be the robot’s domain. - Who best qualifies as a mentor in your life today?
Nobody? The generation above me (for the most part) didn’t believe in mentoring those who came after them. Some of the women I worked with at my earliest jobs were openly hostile toward the idea of helping those of us behind them. I’m very glad mentorship is seen as a positive now, and I’m a little jealous of the ones after me who did receive help. Things *should* improve from generation to generation; why would we root for things to be harder? - How are you at chess?
TERRIBLE, and I think a lot of it is intimidation. I know how to play, how the pieces move, and how to win, but the whole “you have to be thinking 10 steps ahead at all times” gnaws at me. There’s no way I can think 10 steps ahead or whatever. I don’t want to have to memorize openings and endgames and whathaveyou to be successful. That is work, and if I want to play a game, I don’t want a lot of work.

This weekend I’ll be taking down my hammock and outdoor lights. Ugh, fall sucks.