Here I am, still blogging through my malaise. I had my first shingles vaccine yesterday and oh boy this isn’t fun. I woke up today absolutely fine and was a little hopeful I’d be one of the people who skate by with no side effects. And then at noon the fever hit and I was down for the count. I slept for most of the evening.
I’m writing this at 9:10 at night and I think the fever left, but there is a headache left in its place. My left arm feels like someone hit it with a bat.
Anyway, here’s another prompt: The things the worry me the most.
I am a perfect 50/50 blend of a Worrier mother and a Why worry? father. This means I worry intensely about a lot of things, but for the most part I just keep quiet about it all because what can I do? Covid was the exception. The years 2020-21 shattered me.
In no particular order, here is my worry list of doom:
- school shootings
- a tornado destroying my home
- that all of these aches and pains and injuries I’m sustaining are symptoms of Something Bigger
- Project 2025
- ending up in a terrible nursing home – I’m fine going into a home but I don’t want to be abused with no voice
- termites
- sinkholes
Tonight we watched the Kayak Cross finals and diving.