Happy Friday, which is also Everything You Think is Wrong Day (I celebrate that every day), National Pears Helene Day (I never heard of this pear-based dessert and now I want one), and of course the Ides of March.
Let’s hop right into the Friday 5. This week’s theme is zoomorphism. Hey, remember Animorphs? I was an adult when they were out but I was still freaked out by the creepy book covers.

- When are you a shark?
I’m terribly competitive when playing games. I’m out for blood. - When are you a kitten?
Erm, I guess when I’m sleeping, curled up in blanket? Or maybe when I accidentally scratch people because I still can’t manage life with longer fingernails. - When are you a chameleon?
I am a nervous, shy person. However, more and more I’m finding myself in positions where I’m leading. Or having to speak in front of others. Next month I’m off to TNP’s annual conference in San Diego where I’ll be at the registration desk for almost 12 hours a day. People who see me lead or speak or mingle say I’m good at it and seem like an extrovert. I’m not, I’m just a very good chameleon. - When are you a parrot?
My little “safe, loved, and warm” core values mantra gets me through a lot of sticky issues. It’s easy to have an opinion on issues when your core values are strong. When I’m conflicted about what to do, saying “everyone deserves to be safe, loved, and warm” always guides me to a position I’m comfortable with. - When are you an amoeba?
Now. Right now. I’m using my pseudopod to glide across the keyboard.
Big weekend coming up! Hope yours is great!
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