Good Things: It was a good week for a list-maker, because I crossed almost everything off of my list each day. Once the big thaw started to happen, Murphy and I were able to start taking good walks again. I had fancy coffee on Wednesday when I went into the office, and Wednesday night I had dinner with Mom, John, and Nephew A. On Friday we managed to stay awake for Movie Night (The Ice Pirates – terrible) with our friends. I put out Valentine decor for the first time in 2 years. And I made enough progress in the Craft Room-now-Corner to fit the Total Gym up there.
Meh Things: I let the backyard poop patrol duties lapse for way too long and had to deal with the consequences on Saturday. Missed 2 days of yoga due to weird scheduling. And I’m not reading. I have book I’m enjoying, but picking it up and literally reading it seems like such a chore. Maybe I just have to schedule reading for 20 minutes a night just like Nephew A has to.
Verdict? Definitely a good week.
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