Happy Friday, which is National Green Juice Day (no thanks), National Peanut Brittle Day (make your own!), and most importantly, my father’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad!

I was in Philadelphia for work on Wednesday and after almost 4 years of being at home, I’m finally to the point where I’m no longer excited about going in. It’s just a melancholy reminder of a life I used to live and love and will never have back. RIP, City Girl in the City. Now it’s Crone at Home. Smiling into a camera while the washing machine spins 30 feet away.
It’s okay, February begins next week and with it, I’m going to start going to the gym before work a few days a week. Maybe I’ll sweat out the ennui.
This week, I had a creative idea pop up that I decided needs to be a movie. But I’m not sure of the path between “My idea” and “Christian Siriano dresses me for the People’s Choice Awards.” Is it writing a book? Is it writing a screenplay? I don’t know how to do that. But I do have the idea, and unlike most of my ideas, it hasn’t faded in a week. Maybe step 1 is writing the idea out. I can do that this weekend.
But today is for the Friday 5. This week’s theme is On the right tracks. It’s about music, and we ALL know my taste in music is pop garbage. Let’s goooooo!
- Which obscure song is better than well-known songs by the same artist?
Everyone knows Barenaked Ladies “One Week” but “The Wrong Man was Convicted” is a work of art. I regret never seeing them live before Steven Page left. - What are some no-skip albums, albums whose tracks are all great to listen to?
I can already tell this is going to be a trainwreck of a Friday 5 for me, because I’ve been skipping tracks since CDs became available. I think we’re going rogue this week… - Which album didn’t do it for you at first, but became a favorite after repeated listens?
Life is short and brutish, and if something doesn’t hit for me, I don’t keep listening until it does. It’s okay not to click with (or “vibe” as the youngs would say) with a piece of art. Let’s take Beyonce. She is a woman of immeasurable talent. Her albums, as collections of songs, are storytelling masterpieces. But I haven’t really enjoyed her music since the Single Ladies era, and that’s fine. I am not her target audience. I listened to Renaissance once. It was fantastically produced but I wasn’t going to listen to it over and over. - Which album is best listened to at night?
I’m aspirationally someone who would curl up on her white sofa at the end of the day with a glass of wine and put on a nice and slightly crackly 1970s R&B vinyl on the turntable. In real life I’m a sweatpanted troll who only listens to music during the day when she works or does housework. - Which album is best listened to in a car?
It has been an entire lifetime since I’ve listened to an album in the car. But my favorite SiriusXM channels to listen to in the car are: Radio Margaritaville, Dave Matthews Band, 70s on 7, 80s on 8, 90s on 9, Mosaic, Coffeeshop, and TikTok Radio. The destination dictates the channel.
Weekend plans: we haven’t had wings for a while, so a trip to PJ Whelihan’s is on the horizon. I also want to put shelves up in the craft room and move that project forward enough to set up the Total Gym. The weather will also be balmy enough to spend time in the garage looking for the tub that has the Valentine’s decor and chopping up cardboard boxes for recycling. I need to configure something in my domain settings my newsletter can deliver to gmail addresses.
And I think I’m going to write. Have a good weekend!
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