Happy Friday! My mother-in-law is finally here! She arrived Wednesday night (WM flew out Wednesday morning and came back with her Wednesday night) and we’re all kind of figuring out the new normal. So many new normals. Murphy is having a bit of a time, though. He barks whenever she moves. He’ll get over it. It’s been pretty loud in the meantime.
Anyway, people have been super-quick to share their MIL horror stories with me and yeah, that’s really not such a great thing to do. People are overall puzzling most of the time. I remember when Mom was recovering from her broken ankle. We were in Ulta, someone saw her walking boot and asked her what was up. And then they told her about their friend who died from a blood clot from a broken ankle. What? Why? Don’t do that!
This week’s Friday 5 is November Rain and themed around the epic Guns N Roses video for that song. It’s nine minutes long, and in 1992 it was a heck of a video. The best part is Slash’s guitar solo in front of a church, about 4:10 into the video.
- What unique behavior, attire, or ceremony element have you seen at a wedding?
Bah, I posted my skeleton cake topper photo too soon. It’s been a long time that I’ve seen something really unique at a wedding. I’m ready for the trends to change from down-home farm to something else. - Who’s your favorite piano player?
I really don’t have one? I know of a bunch of them, but I don’t have a favorite. - When did rain notably ruin your plans?
There was a small fall festival a few weeks back that we were going to venture to, but those are no fun in rain. - What is your going-to-bed ritual like?
I wash/moisturize my face after work so the bedtime routine is pretty easy. We let Murphy outside, and when he comes in we go upstairs, shutting off the lights as we go. I say goodnight to the fish. We dump Murphy on the bed. I use the bathroom, braid my hair so it doesn’t tangle, and apply a whack of lip balm. When WM and I get into bed, we watch the TikToks that we sent to each other through the day. Then I plug in my phone, plug up my ears with earplugs, and it’s lights out. - When did you last give roses to someone or receive them from someone?
We have a beautiful rose bush in our backyard so throughout the spring and summer, WM and I will clip them and give them to each other.

Weekend plans: continuing to get MIL settled, see if I can sneakily swap in the Christmas projector for the Halloween one, comfort the dog, study study study, sadly take the rest of the garden plants down (weather permitting), figure out the towel situation, and try to read for pleasure.
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