Yeah, I’m still here, slowly picking up the daily rhythm again of chores and routine and limping through the rest of what was not a great August.
The squirrels are stealing the large tomatoes from my garden while they’re still green. I have successfully harvested one meager large tomato and it’s frustrating. I didn’t want to build ceilinged cages around my plants but I might need to do that next year around the tomato bed. And the herbs are stunted and I think the stain I chose for the refurbed herb beds (teak) may have been too dark and held heat? Not sure. But the rest of it is doing well and we have had bumper crops of cherry tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, green beans, and radishes. I planted some broccoli and more head lettuces for fall. This year’s failures become lessons learned for next year.

Murphy’s follow up appointment for his ACL injury went well. The doc sees and feels improvement, even though Murph is still limping and will be for a while. We have another appointment on 8/31 and fingers crossed he continues to improve because I do want to see him undrugged and frolicking again, but also ACL surgery is expensive. He’s extra snuggly and clingy and that’s fine. He’s had a shitty August too. Once this is over I want to get him on a joint supplement, so if you have any, Murphy and I are all ears.

I picked up my new glasses from the eye doctor last week, feeling like a much different person than the one who had her exam 3 weeks prior. I finally bit the bullet and registered to sit for my CAE exam in December. Hooray! I also joined a study group that will meet for an hour every Tuesday morning. I have a much needed hair appointment on Wednesday and I’m looking for a cut to give my hair some more volume. And I made an appointment to donate blood at the end of August. I haven’t done that since Fall of 2019 and it’ll be nice to get back into that routine.
And, uh, that’s it.
We have been giving Leo Dr Kruger’s “Healthy Joint Formula” for about 6 years now and we are please with how active he remains. In case you don’t know he may have been hit by a car whilst a stray and has a shattered hip socket.
Murphy’s expression in that photo!
Hope all goes well on the 31st and you can find a joint supplement.
Sorry your August was such a tough one 🙁