Here are some photos and thoughts from May that were a little thin for their own posts.
But what a washout this weekend was. Teeming rain and highs in the high 40s. This sounds weird, but my ears are messed up from the pressure changes.
I am experimenting with pour-over coffee. So far, so good, but I still miss my usual Fancy Coffee Friday expeditions. Soon.

The garden continues to grow, and I may have some strawberries to show for it soon.

A few years back we found a birdbath underneath the tangle of ivy in our back yard. We put it back together, added some soil, rocks, and one of WM’s Jizo statues, and now each spring Nature gives us a new little garden.

A bird family built a nest above our porch and because my house is a split-level, we had a great view of the nest the entire time.They hatched four baby birds who all safely left the nest. I miss them!

And two memes I saved and shared with others…

We still do not have a third dog. We’re not applying for every single dog we see, but we have been rejected from every dog we’ve applied for. Fun. At least the latest rescue emailed a rejection. For the record, that was for a 15 week old black cocker spaniel pup named Murphy, which would have brought immediate and welcomed chaos.
The NYT Crossword puzzle streak, as of the end of May is 162 which blows my mind. I allow myself to Google 2 answers per puzzle, and I can’t remember when I last used both. I think it’s been weeks since I’ve Googled one answer. I estimate that there are about 150 stock answers to clues and once you memorize them, you’re pretty well on track to solve any puzzle. The Duolingo streak is up to 42. That streak I’m not as attached to. The week off of Duolingo at the beginning of April was muy bueno and I think it helped me not burn out altogether.
Onto June, where I have 4 social events, 2 doctor appointments, and 1 hair appointment and I’m more than a little worried about exhausting myself.
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Your meme about the housing market made me lol. We’ve been casually searching for another home and it has been beyond ridiculous.