Two weeks ago, I planted seeds. And they’re sprouting! Yes, I know this is how nature is supposed to work, but I’m still pretty new at this so it’s nice to see things working as intended.

The tomatoes were first to sprout. Shortly after, the peppers, basil, dill, and impatiens sprouted. The tomatoes quickly grew too tall for the little greenhouse so I moved them into a foil tray. And, because I have been an idiot in the past, I started labeling the base of the foil tray so I know what is what.

It was in the 70s two days this week and I used that opportunity to check on last year’s thyme plant. Sweet merciful crap! It’s still alive! I trimmed back some of the less healthy stems, but I think I have myself a permanent thyme bush now.
I moved the daisies to the front porch, but the winter was not kind to them. I trimmed the dead branches down to the dirt level. Maybe they’ll grow back? They’re supposed to be
And I have garlic in a pot out front that I planted last fall. The Internet tells me that they went dormant over winter, and I’ll have some garlic to harvest in early summer.
This weekend, I’m going to buy some wood to build a raised box for the yard. I also want a wheelbarrow, but that might be overkill.