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LMAO! I’ve noticed a lot of publishers (not just with books) haven’t figured out that lower production costs should translate to lower prices.
My guess is it’s because they don’t make as much money on nookbooks, but then again, I have no idea.
Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t make more money on Nookbooks; after all, they don’t actually have to print anything, it would just get converted directly from the digital file to the digital e-reader file…
That’s the major reason I won’t buy an e-reader. I already own a thousand books, and I don’t want to re-buy them digitally. Plus, they’re too expensive, compared to the paper versions.
Maybe it’s like when movies were first available on video tape – I remember movies costing $60 and upward.
I love my Nook to pieces. Every Friday, they offer one of their books for free. They’re usually fantasy or romance, but aren’t bad for filler. Books that are expensive go on my eWish list and I keep an eye on that for when the price goes down. Occasionally they do and I’ll snatch up what I want.
I don’t mind paying $9.99 for an ebook as long as it’s cheaper than the print version. But as these readers become more popular, I hope the publishing houses start moving the prices down. Because you can’t get a cheaper printing & delivery system than pixels and my OWN wireless connection.
A few months ago I read someone’s link in twitter that lead to an explanation of the costs involved in ebooks vs hardcopies. I’m not sure if this was the original article, but it’s pretty close to what I read before.
I’m pretty sure the article I read before had mention f how the cut that Apple/Kindle was taking was messing with the pricing scheme as well, but this should give an idea of what’s going on behind the pricing.
Granted this is the publisher’s point of view, but we are all seeing the consumer side of the arguement. Occasionally if we look on the other side of things we might be able to find a middle ground.
I’m not a fan of the pricing either. Along the same lines, DVD’s and CD’s are cheper to produce than Video/Audio cassettes, so why are they more expensive?
GAH! Forgive the typos… I can spell, I just can’t type.