Well…I finally got around to it. There are a LOT of known issues…let’s go through some, shall we?
- The only part of the site redone so far is the blog. That’s okay for now, since the blog comprises 85% of the site. This’ll give me time to look at all the other pages and see if they’re worth keeping. Don’t worry…the hostess page will be back. That lil’ snap on the right makes Hostess Picture #70!
- The past comments went poof. I may be able to retrieve them. I may not.
- BUT…you no longer need to have a Blogger login to post a comment! In order to reduce comment spam, I have a long list of words that, if used, will put your post in a holding queue until I release it. Just don’t offer me certain kinds of prescription medicine or tips on certain popular card games named after the Lone Star State, and you’ll be fine.
- I’m now using WordPress instead of Blogger. I’m supposed to have a button somewhere on the site saying that. I don’t yet.
- Not every post is assigned to a category yet. I have over 670 posts to take care of, so that will be slow going. Eventually, you’ll be able to see all posts on a certain topic. So if you LOVE stories of Max destroying things, you’ll be able to click the “Max” topic.
- To navigate through the archives, use the calendar at the bottom to move back and forth throughout the months. Enjoy calendar while it lasts…I’ll probably end up replacing it with a small way to navigate. Like a drop down list. 🙂
- Holy moly…automatic smilies?
- Content is now on the left. Fluffy stuff is on the right. I realize there’s still issues with overlapping.
And my active/visited link colors are oooooooooogly.I also realize that I’ve left a LOT of fluffy stuff out. Like the origami photos. - I hate this design already.
But it’s finally LIVE!
Looks good.