Snottiness is in full effect, and my Devils jersey is receiving the proper amount of scorn from my coworkers. See, I did my time as a Flyers fan…I really did. I simply find that the Devils play a better game of hockey — and that’s much more enjoyable to watch than the Flyers’ habitually disappointing games.
Wt: Didn’t weigh.
Mood: Envious of everyone (damon!) who took off this beautiful day. Sunny and 80 today. It’s going to rain tomorrow and be iffy on Sunday.
Work docket: Did hot properties. Will do Swift ads and then maybe work on a look/feel for “Women on the Run”
Lunch: Have to go out, since I haven’t food shopped in months.
Afternoon: Will give second attempt at cleaning kitchen. Also, “The Letter” arrived from the University of Pennsylvania. Mickey’s remains are ready to come home.
Evening: Unknown
Weekend: We’re going to go looking for something to replace the chaise. See, in the time before Mickey’s passing, he had a few seizures on the chaise, which resulted in him wetting it. The odor is still deep in the chair cushion, so it has to go. No hard feelings toward the dog. Mom and I may go to the beach on Sunday.
And now….the Friday Five!
1. How many times have you truly been in love?
There have been three gentlemen in my life for whom my whole body would awaken and tremble at the thought of merely catching a glimpse of them, let alone being lucky enough to spend time with them. For each of these three, the love was of a different caliber, though. Love at fifteen years old is much different from love in your early, and then later, twenties.
2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
His intelligence, charm, honor, and empathy.
3. What qualities should a significant other have?
Someone who has to be willing to put up with you even when you are at your ugliest, most antagonistic, most vulnerable, and most stubborn. This acceptance of who you are will give you a solid foundation so that you can continue to grow and bloom (and make mistakes) as an adult without fear of being rejected.
4. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I have, and it gnaws at me to this day. There should be no such thing as unrequited love…but sometimes love springs in the wrong places and times. Twice I rejected men who loved me, and whom I didn’t love in return.
The third broken heart resulted from my ending our relationship in the effort to ‘do the right thing’ under a set of extraordinary circumstances, which broke my own heart as well. The gentleman was saddened, and angered, and saddened again. I do believe I did the right thing, and that eventually the gentleman would heal and be a better person because of it. Unfortunately, that closure of knowing whether or not he did heal and do the right things for himself is not something that I have the luxury of having.
5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
That love does NOT mean never having to say you’re sorry. Life is a lot more complex and brutal than a trite romantic movie.