Happy Friday, which is also National Greasy Foods Day (why even? why are we like this) and Sourest Day, which was created to follow Sweetest Day. Sweetest Day is a holiday WM and I have been trying to add to…
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 43
Friday 5: Yuputka 2
Happy Friday, which is also International Leggings Day (which is half of the days for this work from home crone) and National Chocolate Cupcake Day, which I wish was the other half of the days. But, alas, I am dieting…
Thursday randomness
For my birthday, the always-lovely Kristen, Nephews A&B, and my brother who doesn’t read my blog and likely had nothing to do with choosing the gift gave me gifts to get me started on latte art, including a milk frother…
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 42
I watch movies now!
Remember when I didn’t watch movies? That isn’t the case anymore! Here are some more I watched over the summer. The Fall Guy: A lot of people loved this movie and I was looking forward to it because I was…