Happy Friday, which is also National Peanut Butter Day (I prefer creamy, WM prefers chunky), National Compliment Day (that color looks fabulous on you!) and Beer Can Appreciation Day. Uh, yay?

The drones are back. One was hovering at the treeline about a half mile away from my house for over 4 hours last night. And I know the internet and the media discounted us all as crazy but hear me out: we live under a flight path to Philadelphia International Airport. I know what an airplane looks like in the air. I also know what a helicopter looks like in the air. Neither of the two behave like what I saw last night. My iPhone doesn’t take great night videos so I have no proof. All I have is my word.
And I’m tired of being cold. It’s been so cold. Blah. But I finally hit the 15 lb weight loss mark. It’s been very slow going but it’s going. I hoped to see some difference in my clothes by now but when you wear hoodies, sweatpants, and leggings seven days a week it’s difficult to tell.
Here’s the Friday 5: This week’s theme is Nom nom nom.
- What’s a good song with a bad title?
DMB’s Samurai Cop. It’s a sweet song about infancy and childhood. - Who is named strangely, among musicians or bands you like?
Barenaked Ladies. What seemed edgy in the early 90s just seems gross now. - What are some album titles you like?
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Songs from St. Somewhere. Nevermind. Big Whiskey & the GrooGrux King. Reputation. - Often, greatest hits compilations are simply called Greatest Hits or The Best of, but sometimes they’re titled more creatively and appropriately for the artist, as with Bob Marley & the Wailers’ Legend, Madonna’s The Immaculate Collection, or 1 by the Beatles (a collection of number one hits). If you were to collect all your favorite songs by one of your favorite artists, how would you title the compilation?
I have been thinking about this for a while and I can’t come up with anything. I think my brain was scared into submission by remember how awesome and blasphemic The Immaculate Collection was as a compilation name. - Among bands you like, who has a great name?
Digital Underground. Def Leppard. Fleetwood Mac. That one’s just names, but it’s solid. ABBA. Guns N Roses.
That’s all, folks! Stay warm!
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