Happy Friday, which is also National Day of Forgiveness (I forgive well. I don’t forget well), National Scarf Day (I have five of them waiting to come back into style), and National Crush a Can Day. Which if you click the link, it was meant to promote recycling; however recently the message has spread that you are not supposed to crush your cans when you recycle them because it makes it more difficult to sort. Because cans are light and have a good amount of surface area, some recycling processing centers use blowers to separate them out from paper. Now you know.

This week’s Friday 5 is based on the book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, except we respondents are putting our own favorite TV series, favorite musician, a hobby, a book we like, and something we’re terrible at doing after the “from.” Got it? Good. Let’s go.
- In your essay, “All I Need to Know I Learned from Parks and Recreation,” what are some lessons you’d include?
Treat yo’self! Which is a good lesson as well but the one I remember most is — and this is not Leslie Knope’s quote no matter how many Etsy printmakers will tell you so — “Far and away the best prize in life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” It’s from Theodore Roosevelt Leslie’s addition to that quote is “What makes work worth doing is getting to do it with people you love.” - In your essay, “All I Need to Know I Learned from Dave Matthews,” what are some lessons you’d include?
“Celebrate we will, for life is short but sweet for certain” because you never know when the end will come, so enjoy everything as much as you can stand it. And “while you around here play the days keep scribbling themselves in tidy lines” because time keeps ticking whether you are productive or not. I write “the days keep scribbling themselves in tidy lines” on the first page of every notebook and planner. - In your essay, “All I Need to Know I Learned from every single hobby I ever tried,” what are some lessons you’d include?
Clean everything and put it away as soon as you’re finished. - In your essay, “All I Need to Know I Learned from (Anne Lamott books),” what are some lessons you’d include?
That prayer comes in three forms: Help, Thanks, and Wow. And it’s okay for us to be imperfect people; God doesn’t care about perfection as long as we are honest about it. I pray every night, but I no longer use the rote memorized prayers of my Catholic upbringing. I’m all, “Oh GOD I am a MESS and PLEASE help me to sound as coherent as I know I am in these meetings this week. Why are you ALLOWING this mess in the Middle East? Can you PLEASE help out a little with that because there is WAY too much killing. Please comfort the sick, scared, dying, and oppressed. I’d also like to be less hungry every day, but naturally, not because of sickness. Can you heal my heel spur?” Anne Lamott’s musings on faith helped me to be comfortable with my weird Christian-lite with a side of woo spirituality. - In your essay, “All I Need to Know I Learned from healthy eating,” what are some lessons you’d include?
You have to plan ahead so that you don’t become hungry. And you can eat a good meal almost everywhere. But you’re imperfect (see above) and if you mess up, meh. Try to get more good foods in than less-good foods.
Fall sucks, but I’m going apple picking on Sunday so maybe it’s not so bad. Nah, it’s terrible. 😉