The stomach bug slammed into me at around 4pm yesterday.
One of the cooler things about being a seasoned adult is the self-awareness that comes with years of experience. I started to feel badly at 4 and immediately put my hair in a bun, covered it in with a hat, and changed into my oldest non-hooded sweatshirt. It wasn’t pleasant, but at least I didn’t have to watch wash my hair or deal with hoodie ties.

I called out of work today, which I initially felt terrible about until I slept 5 hours straight this morning. I had four zoom meetings scheduled which I couldn’t have possibly participated in or even extracted much from.
Tonight I’m recovered with the exception of this caffeine headache from having no coffee. Working on rectifying that.
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Feel better soon!
Okay, my stomach was TORN UP this weekend. I am just now feeling moderately better. I wonder if it’s a thing still and around me